Kia ora whānau,

Things have been cooling down here in Auckland as winter sets in, but they’ve certainly been heating up in the world of social media! In this July newsletter, we’ll be looking at the importance of storytelling on your socials, diving into some of the most exciting and innovative social media news – including Apple’s Genmoji technology spearheading an emoji revolution, TikTok introducing image search capabilities – and of course, highlighting some of our Mosh success stories from the last month.

So what are ya waiting for? Get reading 😉👇

How To Balance Storytelling And Sales On Social Media

Launching your brand into the big wide world of social media can be quite intimidating. The seemingly endless checklist of things to do, how to do them and why to even do them in the first place, can quickly become overwhelming. But don’t fret, our very own ‘Head of Social’, Lucia, has put together a crash course on the power of storytelling in social media and how it can be an absolute game changer in driving sales for your business!

Apple Leads the Emoji Revolution

If you haven’t already heard about Apple’s new Genmoji technology, are you okay? Do you need rescuing from that windowless, internetless cubicle you’re locked in? This mindblowing new technology allows users to create an original, brand-new emoji – a Genmoji – to express themselves, simply by typing in a description! This means there will be millions of emojis to choose from in your social copywriting. We’ll have the ability to create custom, client-specific emojis and further tailor brand personalities online.

Genmoji has the potential to seriously revolutionise how brands interact with their audiences. Imagine launching a campaign with a unique Genmoji that represents your brand or product, creating a memorable and engaging touchpoint for your audience. Brands could even encourage users to create their own Genmojis related to a campaign or contest, fostering user-generated content and increasing those oh-so-important engagement rates.

From an influencer POV, Genmoji could provide a new layer of personalisation, enabling them to create and share unique emojis that resonate with their followers, further strengthening their personal brand and connection with their audience.

As social media becomes more saturated, standing out and connecting on a deeper level with your audience is crucial, and Genmoji could be the way to do this! It’ll be interesting to see how client engagement shifts with this update and all of the ways that it impacts social media usage. Watch this space, as we’ll obviously have to make our very own Moshmojis 💁

TikTok Introduces Image Search Capabilities

TikTok continues to solidify itself as a daily part of millions of people’s lives by introducing an image search function in its shop feature. If you’re out and about and see someone walking by with a bag you love, you can snap a picture on TikTok and it will find similar items available to buy on TikTok Shop.

This snazzy new feature has the potential to significantly increase social media usage by encouraging spontaneous shopping and product discovery. Leading more users to spend more time on the app, not just for entertainment but also for ‘practical purposes’ like shopping As social media platforms increasingly blur the lines between social interaction and commerce, TikTok’s image search could set a new standard for integrating these experiences.

If past updates from other social platforms have taught us anything. it’s more than likely that other social media giants cough Instagram and Facebook cough, may adopt similar functionalities to keep up with TikTok’s innovative approach. This competition could lead to a wave of advancements in how social media platforms facilitate shopping, making it easier and more engaging for users to find and purchase products directly from their feeds. Keep an eye out for this feature as TikTok begins rolling it out!

Mosh Marketing Success Stories

Smokefree Rockquest

Smokefree Rockquest is a nationwide youth event allowing young musicians to perform live across the country in a professional setting. Powered by Rockshop, the campaign’s goal was to motivate young musicians to strive for success, to realise the opportunities available in music careers, and to encourage their peers to support original New Zealand music. Rockquest used videos cut from their live events to showcase their amazing community work and came to Mosh with a simple goal and a straightforward challenge: For each video, they wanted high-quality video views on Meta and TikTok. For their campaign, they were interested in a result measuring the longest length of time we could optimise our activity.

With a new video posted every couple of days, the challenge was using our advertising budget as cleverly as possible. We had to ensure we were delivering ads optimally, whilst not spending our budget on videos that had hit their mark. Through a combination of Advantage+ targeting and some clever use of automation, we were able to complete the campaign with a staggering 20% of the budget remaining, which was reinvested into the campaign to get more views.

The Cause Collective

Stop Sore Throats set out to educate Pasifika communities in Aotearoa about Rheumatic Fever. As our campaign wrapped up, we wanted to go out with a BANG! To showcase our social strategy’s success, we launched a survey giveaway on Facebook.

With 5 questions about Rheumatic Fever, participants had the chance to win a month’s power bill paid. The survey targeted two groups: those who had seen our content and those who hadn’t. The results? Just what we like to see! Those who hadn’t seen our content were 2.9 times more likely to not know what Rheumatic Fever is and 2.9 times more likely to not know that sore throats can lead to Rheumatic Fever.

On the flip side, 96.6% of our audience knew that a sore throat could cause Rheumatic Fever, compared to only 90.2% of those who didn’t engage. The verdict is in: having a social presence is crucial, no matter your goal!

Marketing Association Monthly Meetups

Mosh are proud supporters of the Marketing Association and we’re stoked to sponsor their monthly Meetups – where the Auckland marketing community meets for an evening of networking, camaraderie, and a chance to learn from fellow marketers. We have been partnering with the MA for the last 6 years in facilitating their Social Media Marketing workshops for New Zealand businesses.

The July Meetup is fully booked out, but come along for a chat and a nibble, at the August MA Meet!

Full event details here.

After years in the social game, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and we’re keen to share our digital wisdom! We’ve created a series of customisable modules. Whether you’re new to the gig and need to learn it all, or have been around these parts a while and have discovered a gap in your knowledge, come along and have a lesson on all things social! Check out all of our options here or get in touch for details. 

And with that, we’ve come to the end of this month’s newsletter. Now now, don’t cry, wipe that tear away, we’ll be back sooner than you know with next month’s social updates, in the meantime, stay warm, stay dry, and stay social.

Peace out!

The Mosh Crew.

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