In a labour market as tight as an over tightened wheel nut, BNT Automotive were looking for new ways to recruit for their branch teams – customer service and delivery driver roles.
That’s when they came to Mosh’s door with a question we knew we could answer: How can we do this effectively using social media?
BNT Automotive has been a significant supplier to the New Zealand automotive trade aftermarket for over 60 years, a wide range of automotive parts, accessories, and engineering supplies throughout New Zealand.
They were on the hunt for candidates to fill roles all over the country and traditionally recruited through the usual job boards like Seek and Trade Me. While these are great for people actively seeking a new job, we came up with a plan to leverage social media to find and convert high-quality applicants that, while maybe not actively seeking a new role, would potentially be open to a shift.
Mosh proposed a two Month Advertising Campaign alongside an Employer Brand Building Content Plan across Facebook and Instagram, this included:
- Nationwide advertisements that targeted all New Zealand with BNT visuals.
- Region specific advertisements with visuals that targeted particular regions such as Dunedin, Queenstown, Nelson, Wellington and Bay Of Plenty.
- Advertisements specific to Auckland, targeting people and delivery drivers.
- A referral program: Comment-to-Enter competition – “Mention a friend who will suit these roles and be in to win”
Creative was designed to speak specifically to the different roles needing to be filled, and the regions needing the new staff. Examples included using the Sky Tower in the visuals for Auckland roles and Baldwin Street in the visuals for Dunedin roles, all whilst keeping the BNT colours and branding strong throughout.

Mosh ran two campaigns, one from the 1st of September to the 31st of October and another running from the 12th of November to the 10th of December 2021.
Over the course of these campaigns, over 9,700 Link Clicks drove potential candidates to the BNT careers page, allowing BNT to fill almost 50 roles with high-quality candidates and with a big reduction in offer rejection rates. This meant the right people were being offered the roles and were accepting the first time, instead of BNT having to offer the role to 3-4 people to get one acceptance.
“It feels like we’re hitting the mark with the recruitment campaigns. We’ve filled 40-50 roles since we started on this journey with Mosh. We feel like we’re getting a better level of candidate, and have had a reduction in rejected job offers.”
Erin Parkinson – BNT HR Manager
The results of this campaign show that with the right creative approach that leverages your brand, targeting and messaging, social media can be a powerful recruitment tool to speak to potential candidates who may not be actively seeking a change in role, but could be prompted to when spoken to on the platforms they use every day.