The Data Futures Partnership had been tasked by Government to engage with New Zealanders to champion the value of improved data use and sharing, understand their concerns and respond to them. The desired outcomes were:
- A pool of rich conversations
- A quantitative snapshot of NZ’s thoughts about the key topics
- A body of information to help make future decisions
We led the direction of the campaign after receiving the initial brief, and saw Facebook as the best platform to reach a broad spectrum of New Zealanders. Also our client could continue to access this audience and engage them in conversations, long after the campaign had finished.
We had a number of KPIs to meet expectations which were all exceeded, but most important to the brief were:
- Total Comments, Posts, and Private Messages (tracking the amount of written interactions with our audience on the Facebook Page, posts and ads.).
Target: 450. Achieved: 896. Result: 199% of Target. - Total Poll Responses (tracking the amount of responses to polls on key issues.)
Target: 3,000. Achieved: 14,546. Result: 485% of Target.
The Facebook advertising campaign used to drive these results saw us create 128 ‘micro campaigns’ where we segmented our targeting to reach 16 regions, 4 age brackets, and 2 genders. This allowed us to shape the message to the audience, garnering more engagement than a ‘one-size-fits-all-approach’, and ensured we met the objective of hearing from the ‘hard-to-reach’ segments of society as well.