Oh hey Mosh whānau,

Pinch, punch it’s (almost) the first of the month! That means it’s time for another Mosh newsletter, another deep dive into the world of social media, another chance to cosy up and chit-chat, doesn’t that sound nice? We’re talking Facebook’s plans to future-proof themselves, LinkedIn’s Premium Company Pages and the best times to post on your socials! 

What Makes Online Branding Essential?

Hold up! What does branding actually mean? How do we brand our business online? How important is it? In today’s modern advertising, if you’re not building your brand online, we hate to break it to you, but you’re doing something (seriously) wrong. We’re talking you through the best way to position yourself with your online branding and why this matters so much in this crazy digital world we live in.

Facebook Announces That It’s Down with the Kids!

Nothing says ‘I’m cool’ like straight up telling people you’re cool, am I right?! That’s kind of how it felt when Facebook announced that they’re building the next generation of social media for young adults…

Looking forward to the next 20 years, they said they’re focusing on two big things – making significant changes with younger generations in mind as well as leaning into new product capabilities enabled by AI. A study in 2023 found that teens are much more likely to be using YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram than Facebook… not that we really needed a study to tell us that, ay? However, Facebook has also said that their growth stats in America and Canada are the highest they’ve been in 3 years, so maybe they’re onto something! FB’s own hot take on why Gen Alphas are signing up includes the deals available on Marketplace, the community and connection they can get from Facebook Groups and Reels which seems surprising since they’ve got this on IG and TikTok… but whatever you say Facebook! 😬

These lifestyle, interest-based elements of the app are what they plan to adapt and grow, as well as opportunities for creators, for dating, and for video – all in the name of youth! So next time you see a new feature on the platform, stop and ponder… did they create this with the young people in mind? The answer is probably yes!

LinkedIn Launches Premium Company Pages 

In a bid to expand its subscription revenue, LinkedIn is now dangling little enticing fruits in the form of business promotion and visibility. The past few months have seen subscription enticements gradually developing but now the options are being pushed out more widely. The Premium Company Pages will include custom CTA buttons to help generate leads such as a ‘Request Services’ button, you’ll be able to build credibility by displaying reviews and highlight what your business is all about with a ‘Services Showcase’ section. There will also be options to help build your community such as insights into page visitors and the ability to auto-invite people who engage with your content. Of course, there are plenty of little AI tricks up their sleeve too to make creating content faster and easier – how very 2024 of them 💅 So ‘how much is this going to cost?’ we hear you cry! Well, it’s sitting at roughly $99 USD a month or slightly less for an annual subscription – which is definitely not nothing, but if the focus on attracting and converting clients delivers then it could very well be money well spent. 

101 of Posting Times 

First of all, user discretion is advised, we repeat – user discretion is advised! ☝In our humble opinion, posting times should just be a guideline – especially if you’ve got a savvy social media strategy and are boosting your content and ensuring people see it! 😎 BUT… HAVING SAID THAT, Sprout Social have released a report with some interesting data around the best time to post and it could definitely be a useful tool when posting organically. In short, Sprout Social says don’t bother posting on Sundays and do bother posting on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. It looks like all of us are checking Instagram and Facebook an awful lot during work hours (hehe 🤫) so the best times of day tend to trend between 9am and 3pm. TikTok breaks the trend a little bit with evenings being a good time to post, in particular between 4pm and 11pm during the week.  

A lot of this makes sense, wouldn’t you agree? We certainly find a lot of this mirrors our own behaviours … except from those slackers checking socials during work hours, of course,  we would NEVER! 🌝 

The Mosh Social Media Report – NZ Beauty Edition

Have you read the Mosh Social Media Report – NZ Beauty Edition yet? If not, why not? We’ve created an extensive study of the most influential beauty brands in New Zealand and have shed light on the industry’s digital landscape.

What are you waiting for? Stay ahead of the curve, stay informed, get your copy of the report here, and embrace NZ’s biggest players in the beauty industry.

After years in the social game, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and we’re keen to share our digital wisdom! We’ve created a series of customisable modules. Whether you’re new to the gig and need to learn it all, or have been around these parts a while and have discovered a gap in your knowledge, come along and have a lesson on all things social! Check out all of our options here or get in touch for details. 

Anyway, that’s all from us for this month’s newsletter. Stay warm, stay dry, and have a fab long weekend! Try not to miss us too much, we’ll talk real soon.

Big love,

The Mosh Crew.

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