Are we saying goodbye to hashtags? Despite claims that they are as outdated as chunky highlights and skinny jeans, we’re here to set the record straight! Introduced back in 2007 (which feels like a lifetime ago), a hashtag is a metadata tag that is prefaced by the # symbol. It was commonly used as a form of user-generated tagging that enables cross-referencing of content by topic or theme. So are these still relevant in today’s modern media landscape? 

We can reassure you now that hashtags remain a vital ingredient that adds flavour to your social media success. Let us share with you some reasons why.

Reaching a wider audience:

Hashtags play a key role in enhancing the visibility of your content to a wider audience. How you may ask? They function as effective labels to help categorise your posts, making it easier for like minded individuals to find your content at ease. For example, using the hashtag #socialmediamarketing directly connects us with people who are actively exploring or discussing social media marketing trends and insights. This strategic use of hashtags also fosters meaningful interactions and discussions within your targeted community.

By leveraging hashtags effectively, you can instantly amplify your online presence and ensure your content resonates with the right audience, ultimately contributing to broader engagement and brand visibility. 

Branded hashtags? 

Another key tip is the use of branded hashtags! What are those you may wonder? Branded hashtags are created specifically for a company or a campaign to promote and identify content related to that brand. They can serve several purposes, including: 

  • Enhancing brand visibility 
  • Analysing campaign tracking
  • Engaging with audiences 
  • Organising user-generated content (UGC).

A key example of an internationally recognised brand utilising these is Nike. They have played on their key slogan #justdoit which reiterates the brand’s core messaging of mentality of motivation and achievement among Nike’s followers. Additionally, this encourages followers to use the hashtag if they’re sporting their products. 

Another key example of this is Red Bull using their hashtag #givesyouwings which if you’ve ever seen any of their ads, it’s always their core messaging. This branded hashtag associates the brand with extreme sports and a high-energy lifestyle. It encourages users to share their own energetic moments too. 

If you’re thinking that branded hashtags could be the right path for your business, here are our top tips: 

  • Unique and Memorable: Make sure your branded hashtag is distinctive and easy to remember.
  • Promote Consistently: Use your branded hashtag across different platforms and marketing materials to increase visibility and recognition.
  • Engage with Users: Encourage your audience to use the hashtag by offering incentives or featuring their content on your brand’s profile.
  • Monitor and Measure: Track the performance of your branded hashtag to gauge its impact and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Overall, branded hashtags are powerful tools for boosting brand awareness, engaging with customers, and harnessing user-generated content. When used effectively, they can amplify your brand’s reach and strengthen its online presence.

Last, but not least! 

Lastly, hashtags provide insightful data on your audiences as you can get a valuable perspective on trends and behaviours. Additionally, hashtags are an incredibly resourceful tool when tracking visibility, encouraging engagement whilst building your community. 

An insider tip – Instagram even allows you to track how many people found your post/page through hashtags. So if you ever think hashtags are on the way out – think again! 

Happy hashtagging!

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