Instagram users beware, sometime soon your feed will become laden with ads prompting you to buy stuff, install stuff and sign up for stuff. Social Media marketers take note, you’re about to get a new platform to play with.
Instagram launched advertising in eight countries around the world 18 months ago (not in New Zealand, though, which is why you haven’t seen any ads yet). The Facebook-owned platform is about to hone in on the platform’s commercial potential, rolling out ads which allow you to sign up for, buy or install stuff. The “Direct Response” ads are being tested by a select group of Facebook Marketing Partners and agencies, but eventually the ads will be expanded globally.
Alongside this new advertising model, marketers will be able to tap into more information about you – your demographics and your interests – from your Facebook account. Currently, Instagram advertisers can only tap into your age, location and gender.
Instagram advertising is expected to hit our shores at the end of the year, however that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t start prepping so that when we get the chance, we can hit the ground running. Now’s the time to get your Instagram identity up to scratch. First of all, consider how Instagram fits into your brand’s overall marketing strategy. Why are you using the platform? Do you want to reach a new audience, increase brand awareness, or shift perception?
Next you’ll want to choose a theme to tell your story (New York-based bloggers Street Etiquette do this really, really well). Be creative: think about fresh, cohesive ways to to market your brand using captivating imagery. Think about how you are going to put together posts that are individually diverse yet consistent over time.
Finally, create content that is amazing. Make it fit on Instagram. Think about your options: the platform allows you to post images, videos, words, hashtags… In other words, Instagram is your oyster.
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