As we know it, recent studies (and mere observation) have shown that human attention spans have dwindled to just 8 seconds in the digital space – barely longer than a goldfish! This shift can largely be attributed to the pervasive influence of social media, where content competes for fleeting moments of user engagement. Platforms like TikTok epitomise this phenomenon, offering mere seconds to captivate audiences with snappy and engaging content.

We’re all guilty of this in moments of downtime, or having a ‘doom scroll’ as Gen Z’s like to call it. Users scroll mindlessly through platforms such as TikTok or Instagram hoping each swipe will yield something entertaining to solely pique their interest. This behaviour has encouraged the trend of short form content being favoured, leaving audiences with a sense of instant gratification after watching bite-sized, yet impactful snippets. 

After recognising this shift, many brands and businesses alike started to embrace this form of marketing. An example of this is Westpac, typically known for its usual formal tone, have utilised Instagram reels and short-form videos to relay crucial advice on how to identify scams. This was an effective way to engage their audiences with a typically mundane topic. 

How to ‘reel’ in engagement you wonder? 

For those struggling to adapt their social media strategy to embrace short-form tactics, here are our top tips: 

  • Master the Hook: Grab attention swiftly with a compelling opening to retain viewer interest and don’t be ‘koi’ about sharing fun content! 
  • Adjust Your Tone: Adopt a conversational style to connect more intimately with your audience or begin with a question.
  • Include Captions: Ensure accessibility by adding captions, as this can engage viewers for longer as they can read and watch simultaneously. 
  • Follow Trends: Swim through currents of viral content by scrolling or researching TikTok and Reel trends to amplify visibility and diversify content.

Don’t clam up

So if short-form content is in, where does this leave long-form content? Well, if you’ve read this far in, there is still a portion of people who seek this form of content. Despite the decline of attention spans in the digital age, long-term content and video still hold value. They excel on websites or in comprehensive campaigns, provided they grab attention from the get-go! In essence, while the allure of short-form content grows, there remains a place for longer, meticulously crafted videos. By balancing these formats, brands can optimise engagement and effectively navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

Additionally, you can also repurpose long form video into shorter videos to extend their reach across social platforms, maximising their impact. 

If you’re reassessing your social media strategy and need expert guidance, consider reaching out to our team today.

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