Mosh’s new improved social media studio is open for business! We’ve been shooting some exciting social media projects here at our Auckland HQ, which you can get a taste of below. If you fancy talking some more about our services, get in touch.

Mosh’s new improved social media studio is open for business! We’ve been shooting some exciting social media projects here at our Auckland HQ, which you can get a taste of below. If you fancy talking some more about our services, get in touch.
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Hi Team,
I came across your website during a quick Google search and wanted to reach out with an inquiry. We’re in the early stages of exploring options and were wondering if your agency offers a specific type of service.
We’re looking to produce a consistent stream of product and lifestyle images/videos featuring our devices in a New Zealand context. The goal is to enhance our local presence and create more authentic content for this market, for use on our Instagram & Facebook accounts.
Could you let me know if your agency provides image and video creation services for this purpose? Please note we’re solely interested in the production of the content, without any additional services at this stage.
Looking forward to hearing from you, if you could provide me with a document with some options that would be great.