The team at Mosh is expanding and we thought you’d like to meet a few of our members, because we are humans – not robots or aliens or animals. Here’s what Sophie Bloomfield, one of our resident Social Media Managers, has to say.

Sophie from MOSH

What do you do at Mosh?

I am what we at Mosh call a Social Media Manager. In non-social-media-geek jargon, I’m the person who creates content for our clients’ social media pages; this can be anything from ads, to campaigns, to day-to-day posts, and everything in between. Without Social Media Managers, content is just a bunch of warm fuzzy ideas floating around with nowhere to go. There’s a lot more that goes on behind the scenes than people realise. I take care of a lot of those things; making news feeds around the world a little bit more attractive.

What was your route to your job?

I invaded Mosh’s Mount Maunganui office one quiet summer’s day, which somehow ended up with me interning two days a week in the Auckland office. A few months later and I’m still here… full time!

What’s your top tip for New Zealand companies considering launching a social media campaign?

I think it’s really important that you know your story and who you want to tell it to. There’s a lot of competition in the social media world, so if you don’t know your message, how can you expect anybody else to? Getting your content in front of the right people can be a lot harder than it sounds, so it’s vital to communicate something different to all the other noise. Once you’ve got that right, the next step is to ensure people actually care about what you’re saying, because social media is a two-way street. One of our golden rules is to always remember that social media is a platform for relationships, not just somewhere to yell about how important you are.

Who would be your dream client and why?

As a typical girl, I like to look at pretty things. I would really like to play around with any clothing, interior design or beauty brand that has stunning imagery: Lonely Lingerie or Superette are great examples. I also think we could do some really cool stuff with a sports or exercise brand – such as Les Mills Gym – something that promotes a lifestyle, rather than just a brand or product.

Who is nailing social media in New Zealand?

I think a lot of people measure ‘nailing social media’ as making a big bang and throwing a lot of money at something, but a lot of people don’t follow this through consistently; a couple of months later and their social media presence has completely dropped off the radar. So I think a brand that is nailing it would have to be consistent, and part of community, rather than just a passing trend and I’m not sure anyone in New Zealand has this 100 per cent on point.

In saying that, My Food Bag is doing a fantastic job in terms of community building. The brand has created such a loyal following that people are posting pictures of their My Food Bag meals to its page without being asked. They’re also doing Instagram pretty well, which is no mean feat. I also just can’t get past their community management sign-offs – Michaela Mango, Becks Butternut – it really talks to the lamer side of my sense of humour.


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