So, you’re looking for a social media agency to help you with your social media marketing, but knowing where to begin can be tricky when you’re not sure what an agency does or how it can help with your marketing strategy. We’re here to break it down for you – everything from what it says on the tin – social media – to all the things you don’t see but are instrumental to your social media success.
What does a social media agency really do? Let’s find out!

Social Media Strategy 

Everything starts with a strategy. Whether that’s an audit of your current social media platforms, recommendations revealing what you really should be doing on social media, or an onboarding workshop to talk about everything from audiences and objectives to tone of voice and content ideas, doing the mahi ahead of time will set your brand on the right path when it comes to elevating your presence on social media. 

Content Creation 

Next up, it’s time to get creative! Content creation involves continually generating engaging and purposeful ideas. As a brand, you need to be able to communicate fast and effectively on social media – you need an agency that understands social behaviours when it comes to digesting content online.
So, what does that look like?

Monthly content planning – generating multiple ideas, from jumping on trends to elevating brand awareness, sourcing collaborations to posts designed to create conversations – quality and quantity is important here.

Graphic design and video creation – scroll-stopping designs that are on brand (all hail those brand guidelines), relatable Reels, and on-trend TikToks.

Copywriting – short captions, long-form copy, headlines, and call to actions. The brand voice comes alive on socials when done well.

Community Management 

Replying to comments, actively engaging in conversations and being responsive to DMs. This is taking customer service to the next level. A big part of community management is to make the masses feel like an individual; your community will say what they think and the role of community management is to fuel the fire or know when to put it out. An agency will have a team of dedicated people responsible solely for this role.

Paid Advertising

Are you searching for more reach and impressions? Do you have a cost per result that you need to hit? Do you need to meet company KPIs? Are you trying to generate leads through your online form? As a brand, there are multiple targets you may be trying to meet. The role of an agency is to help you achieve your targets and deliver on budget. In a competitive paid market, it really is key that when spending money on ads, the results are quantifiable to your goals. Social media paid advertising can reach anyone, anywhere, through intelligent targeting and optimisation, all with an effective cost per result, compared to more traditional advertising methods.


Art and science go hand-in-hand – creativity is important but the data needs to match. Ensuring an agency is meeting brand objectives wouldn’t be possible without a report to back it up. Regular reporting indicates what’s working and what needs to change. Again, it all ties back to the original strategy – is the agreed objective being met? An agency can report on all the relevant metrics, giving you the information and knowledge you need as a brand.

Influencer Marketing

Are you looking for brand collaborators, ambassadors, or just people who can create cool content for you? A social media agency can work with you to create the influencer marketing strategy you’re after. From sourcing talent to negotiating with talent agencies, creating pretty-as-a-picture packs to send out to collating content – if influencer marketing is what you’re after, this is all part of the package.

Photoshoots and Video Shoots

From stylised photoshoots to corporate headshots, and product-launching video campaigns to FMCG ASMR. When we’re talking about photos and video, the possibilities are endless. The scope covers everything from studio shoots to on-location options. Also, with social media platforms increasingly prioritising video content, the added benefit of creating video through a social media agency means they know exactly the kind of content that is required for the platforms, whether that be Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or LinkedIn.

Social Media Training

So you’re interested in sprucing up your socials, but maybe you want to go it alone? A social media agency can still help you get there with one-on-one training. A personalised training workshop or perhaps a group session to teach you the fundamentals, so you and your team can level up your game independently.

And there we have it, a breakdown of what a social media agency does…. or should we say, what we do here at Mosh. Slide into our DMs, drop us an email, or give us a call if any of the above gets you hungry for a social media chat.

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